Effect of the Minimum Wage Increase on Retail and Small Business

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In his recent State of the Union address, President Obama proposed a startling and swift raise of the national minimum wage. He presented his plans to implement a 24% increase of $1.75 per hour, bringing minimum wage from $7.25 to $9.00. The change would take full effect in 2015, which many feel is too much too soon for low-margin businesses to be able to adapt. "You take that kind of increase and you are going to see some reaction, some layoffs, some increases in inflation," Bob Gorland, an expert who specializes in supermarket and retail center feasibility studies and vice president in the Harrisburg office of Matthew P. Casey and Associates, said in response to the president’s proposal. 


Small business owner Ron Taylor predicted his business would not be able to maintain its current staff if the change goes through. "It would probably result in less manpower hours," Taylor said, explaining that if the minimum wage goes up, the number of people he employs could go down. “It's one of the things that as small business owners we hate to do because we have relationships with these people, but from our standpoint it's a matter of survival.” Most of minimum wage employees are college students. He fears that letting them go would compromise the level of customer service his customers expect.


While the number of layoffs increases, the amount of available jobs decreases. Fewer stores will open, and existing businesses will have to find creative ways to cover the cost of maintaining their current workforce. "When you raise the minimum wage a lot of employers at these entry levels don't do as much hiring, so simply just mandating something from Washington again to the private sector doesn't solve our problem," U.S. Senator Dan Coats said. Pennsylvania Chamber of Business and Industry Spokeswoman Lesley Smith agrees, "A minimum wage increase would fall hard on small businesses that continue to struggle in this economy and that still face uncertainty about what it is going to cost to operate their business moving forward." Even large companies are concerned about the pending proposal and are reacting to the wage hike already. The CEO of J.C. Penney, Ron Johnson, announced that he plans to eliminate traditional checkout methods in an attempt to decrease the cost of labor.


As minimum wage increases, retailers will need to cover the increases in labor costs with price increases. "It would be offset with some slightly higher pricing to pay for it," Gorland said. “Whether it be at a grocery store or a pharmacy. If retailers need to tweak their pricing to reflect the higher cost, that would affect the consumers." Consumers will be the ones stuck paying at least part of the bill for raising the minimum.


John Holub, president of the New Jersey Retail Merchants Association, told NJ Biz that raising the pay of the lowest-wage workers will have a ripple effect, putting pressure on employers to raise pay for workers higher on the pay scale. Smith explains, "Businesses understand that in order to attract quality workers, they need to offer competitive wages. The problem with government mandated wages is that they do not consider whether a business can afford to pay that wage.” For some businesses that may not be possible and people working just above the current minimum wage in companies already spread thin by the economy most likely won’t see raises.


Teacher Jevon Ford warns of employee layoffs and higher costs for consumers if the rate is hiked. Ford argues, “Historically speaking, the minimum wage was not created to be a basis for middle class living, but to make sure that minorities, women and young workers were being paid a fair wage.” Smith surmises her fear that “less-skilled workers, some of the very people supporters of mandated wages say they want to help, would be harmed the most."


Image courtesy of BlackChip Solutions


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  • Nancy k
    Nancy k
  • Sharri T
    Sharri T
    Good idea. More than a few businesses are recording billions in profit, no reason not to. Minimum was $3.35/hr when I started working! But then again, a loaf of bread was 35 cents...
    An increase in minimum wage is great. But what good is it when we have to wait another 2yrs. Economy still rising & people still losing jobs. If u stop paying these athletes & actors millions of $$ & spread that $$ out, maybe we all can get through this dilemma.
  • Cindi W
    Cindi W
    I think it's time for a raise in the minimum wage.  Employers rarely give any raises to these employees.  It's time they were forced to pay them more.  They are only crying about it because it means they can't buy a bigger house this year.
  • cheryl u
    cheryl u
    when is it supposed to go through?  it's the right thing to do.  
  • Rose E
    Rose E
    Like a dog chasing its tail...round and round so that the value of the dollar continues to decrease even while a person is making more... prices rise... jobs become ever more scarce...spending more for less... and now what has actually changed?!
  • Art C.
    Art C.
    I think 10.00 an hour would be a much more fair rate. It's a sad  fact that the less you make the harder you work. It's been far too long small and large company's alike have been getting away with this substandard rate of pay. Often with a "take it or leave it" attitude. I had to chuckle when the article mentioned the relationship between employee and business owner and how sad it would be to see this loyal employee go. yes, I can see that the sweat shop company owners in China and Mexico would also be sad if suddenly they were forced to pay there peasant labor a decent rate of pay...   
  • Danny B
    Danny B
    Many company's are only working their hourly employees 30 hours or less to keep away from the Obama care penalty's...this new law is going to do nothing but hurt the economy even more. This government does not have a clue.
  •  nancy jo w
    nancy jo w
    I feel minimum wage would be a good thing but only certain states apply.I live in Dover Delaware which the wage is staying the same
  •  David P
    David P
    Yeah, there will be some repercussions, but it should be done. Really, do you  want to work for less than 9. Hell I won't work for less than 15 and thats the low side. Like desperate.
  • Burly D
    Burly D
    It is great that the minimum wage is going up!!! It is true there will be a lot of reactions. Businesses will have to adjust and they will. It is not the end of the world! It is about time this change has come. The cost of living is always going up and businesses always profit, some do some don't. Everything will be alright, times are changing.
  • Michael C
    Michael C
    Having respect and appreciation for your employees by paying them a decent wage pays rich didvidends. If you need to adjust your Profit & Loss to compensate paying a decent wage by trimming the compensation at the top levels, you will be able to hire well adjusted individuals with a good work ethic to represent your interests to your customer or clients. We have become a top heavy society thinking we on the top should be entitled to earn the lions share of the Profit within the business module. The recommended increase of minimum wage to $9.00 an hour is way behind the cost of living in today's economy whether it be for students or full time unskilled labor. We have bought into the myth that labor is the problem. It is in reality the foundation of a good bussiness.
  • Scott D
    Scott D
    Good for Obama. People need it.
  • Charles I
    Charles I
    Pure BS, owners are cheap, they have profits but do ot want to share them They get the workforce they deserve, not the one that will be most productive. There should be a cap on what management receives, but of course that will never happen.
  • Elvira a
    Elvira a
    i think it is good that minium wage is going to be raised because people cant live on the minium wage that is now.
  • Rhonda H
    Rhonda H
    I agree, it can't go up as much as stated. If the economy was booming it might be different, but we have a mad man in the W.H.
  • Ron D.
    Ron D.
    I think raising the minimum wage to $9.00 an hour is a good idea. It would make some people think twice about doing something against the law to provide for their families.
  • Gina M
    Gina M
    What about equal raises for the people already working!Especially those who do a great service for our communities, such as trash men! can you imagine having to go to the dump every week to dump your own trash.
  • william m
    william m
    I think there should  be 2 different levels of minumum wage.One for young children and students living with mom and dad, and one for the person out on their own. It would take some thought but it could work.
  • Brittney M.
    Brittney M.
    If a business cannot afford to pay it's employees a livable wage, that business should not exist.  Money is there, people are working and they deserve to be paid decently for making the business go round.  It's always the one's doing the most work, who receive the least pay.  If it weren't for those underpaid workers, business couldn't occur.  The service industry needs a major revamping.  It's a huge industry and there is simply no excuse for these hard workers to essentially be taken advantage of.
  • Eric S
    Eric S
    This is simple logic, Raise Minimum wage will only make more lower income people. prices will go up. people making just above minumum will not get raises, now they are back to minimum wage and less products will be purchased. Where is the up?
  • David S
    David S
    I agree completely.  My wife owns a small gift shop and has 3 part-time employees.  she has been in business for 9 years and, so far, the employees are the only ones to profit from the business.  If the minimum wage increases, at least one of those employees will lose her job.  These are not the "breadwinners" in the family.  They are spouses/retirees making some extra money.  We live in a small town and the gift shop is the main business in town.  If the government forces us to close, the town will suffer along with the employees.
  • Gary W J
    Gary W J
    I also believe any increase this large in the minimum wage would adversely affect the businesses, especially the small ones. If the employees are already making above the minimum wage, there would be no affect. I, as a consumer, would not like to see prices raised or services affected in any way. There could be a gradual increase, i.e. .50 or .75 increase which would probably cause a small ripple, but not one large leap which would not be good for mankind.
  • Fred T
    Fred T
    If the minimum wage is to stay the same, then things are going to have to get cheaper so a person can live on it.
  • Dawn D
    Dawn D
    I think a increase in minimum wage is long over due,people can not survive on $7.25 an hour stop keeping people just above the poverty level.minimum wage should be at least $12.00 to be able to pay bills and buy food and clothing.I am tired of comany's keeping people down and not being able to move up.Its time to start caring about people and less about money.you would not be able to make money without your employees
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