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What do you do when the interview goes wrong? Horribly, awfully, embarrassingly wrong?

Maybe you remember the episode of Friends when Rachel inadvertently kisses her potential boss.
Now I don't expect you to have a disaster quite as bad as poor Rachel did, but there are some great lessons that can be learned in the art of not burning our bridges.
No matter where you apply for a job you want to make the best first impression, and even if you make a mistake you want to make sure you correct it because you never know who or what you will run into in the future.
If you make an interview faux pas here are some tips for saving your behind.
  • Swallow Your Pride - Admitting you made a mistake is the first and most important thing you can do. It shows integrity and the ability to grow.
  • Apologize - This in itself is an art form. Restate in the apology what you are apologizing for, it shows you know what you have done wrong.
  • Fix The Problem - If it is a fixable issue, fix it. This may seem like common sense, but sadly it's not as common as you may think.
Remember, if you make a mistake, it is a learning opportunity and will help you grow. Keep your chin up!!
By Jodi Sonoda
Jodi has been blogging for over 3 years, and is excited to currently be blogging with Nexxt for collegejobbank.com. She also has her own mini and micro biography writing business and founded The 5 Dollar Project. She is attached to the internet at the hip and enjoys the constant connection. She spends most of her offline time playing dolls and reading picture books with her three year old. You can also occasionally find her rocking the mic at karaoke night.

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