Calm, Cool and Collected

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Job interviews can be stressful, this is nothing new. You may shake, or stutter, or even start to sweat. Trying to get focused when your nerves are working overtime can be difficult and then, worrying about being nervous, can make it even worse. Here are some quick, easy and excellent ways to keep those nerves in check.


  • Breathe! I know, sounds kind of redundant since it's one of those “necessary to live” things. However, a few deep and controlled breaths can go a long way in calming those frazzled nerves.

  • Don't think about it. Do your interview prep work at home before you get to your interview. While you're waiting in the interviewers office think about things that make you happy or feel calm. Your family, your last vacation, what to make for dinner, last nights movie.

  • Avoid creating more reasons to be stressed out. Know what you're wearing the day before, set out anything you might need to bring with you, and arrive early (but not too early).

  • Shake the sillies out. You see kids do this in school all the time and yet as adults we don't even think about it. Stand up (maybe in a washroom or just outside your car) and shake your arms and body just to expend some of that nervous energy.

  • Play that funky music! You know that song that makes you smile and feel great every single time you hear it? Well use it! The better you feel going in to your interview the easier it will be to stay positive and calm. Don't have a song? Ill lend you mine!


Moral of this story? There's many different ways to relax and keep your cool. Interviewers expect you to be slightly nervous, it makes you human, keeping yourself relaxed is for you. Allow yourself to be the best that you can be.

By Jodi Sonoda

Jodi has been blogging for over 3 years, and is excited to currently be blogging with for Nexxt. She is attached to the internet at the hip and enjoys the constant connection. She spends most of her offline time playing dolls and reading picture books with her two year old.


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